April 13-14-15, 2018.
SWCPDD is three days of piping, drumming and dancing, learning and fun with tuition from experienced international and national instructors with an emphasis on identifying key areas of improvement and developing strategies to enhance performances. Topics may include basic and advanced exercises, practice techniques, music selection for solo and band performances, music theory, maintenance, tuning and preparation for competition. A Dress & Drill component is included in the program for Drum Majors and other interested persons.
We are delighted to announce that with assistance from the VPA, Terry Tully (former PM of the 2010 World Champion St Laurence O’Toole Pipe Band and noted composer) will be out leading piping tutor. Terry is also a noted soloist, and is at the forefront of Irish music in the piping world, and is renowned for arranging traditional and contemporary Irish music for the bagpipes. Other confirmed piping tutors are Tim McLeod, John Young and Josh Chandler.
Drumming will be lead by Dean Hall (PBA Principal of Drumming) and Alexis Ferguson. Other tutor announcements will follow shortly as final arrangements are confirmed.
Applicants are requested to note that there is a separate registration form for Pipers, Drummers, Drum Majors, and Dancers. All dancing queries should be directed to Lisa Barker at ardlair@internode.on.net
Registration forms for 2018 are now available for download. DM2018registration SWCPDD Dancing Registration Form 2018 SWCPDD Registration Form 2018
Register your interest via email to mriches@activ8.net.au
For more details follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/SouthWestCoastPiperDrummer2012